I graduated from James Madison University in 2021. I studied Interactive Design at JMU's School of Media Arts and Design (SMAD) school. Diploma More About SMAD
Within this certificate I gained skills in website wireframe, UX/UI design, user research, graphic design, Adobe XD, InVision, and creating high/low-fidelity prototypes.
Within this certificate I gained skills in SQL, data analytics, problem solving, data collection, sharing data through visualizations, and presenting data to stallholders.
I have been taking photos for over 8 years. I worked in a media shop as lead photographer for 4 years and have been freelancing for 5 years. Check out some of my photography below. View Gallery
Besides taking photos, I love running! I compete in monthly races and ran my first half-marathon in 2021. I'm hoping to run in another half-marathon soon, and mustering up the courage to run a marathon.
I have 4 chihuahua's, Cooper, Juju, and Juju's puppies Ouija Warning and Voodoo. Juju is a retired Grand Champion Bronze show dog, and we're hoping her puppies follow in suit.
I'm currently a web designer and below are the projects i've worked on. To gain and strengthen new skills I also work on personal projects.
Spline is a 3D design tool I am learning to gain experience in interactive 3D designs. Using the tool, I created a 3D toggle that moves and changes color. I am hoping to add more projects using spline, for example websits and mobile interactions.
Juju is a Grand Champion chihuahua who has modeled for Marc Jacobs and was invited to the Westminster Dog Show. I handle her social media, primarily using Instagram, to promote her brand and the new kennel that is being built around it. Juju recently had her first litter which represents the beginning of a high-end breeding program. I created her logo and made her a little cartoon using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Juju's LogoThis is my first time using Adobe Animate. I've always wanted to learn the software and decided to do a mini project on it. I created a sunset animation and practiced with frames, creating layers, adjusting the timeline, FPS, and familiarized myself with the basic tools. I was nervous Adobe Animate was going to be too complicated, but it was actually a lot of fun to work with.
Using the user-centered design (UCD) process, I created SHERPA, a financial app. For this mobile interaction, I created personas, scenarios, storyboards, prototypes, and conducted interviews and usability tests. SHERPA was created in Figma and is currently, a high-fidelity prototype. SHERPAs UCD
I took an actual website and redesigned it. The website I chose is a local pub close by to where I currently live. I redesigned the website using JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. This was to practice creating a website with JS while also fitting the structure of an actual website.
Official Website hereThe AleHouse is a fictional brewery website that was created using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and JavaScript. The website is a responsive, mobile-first site that displays my skills in Bootstrap, JavaScript, and implementing interactive feature such as using carousels and jarallax. The photography and logo are my designs as well. I used Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
This is a website designed for a musicians musical about Robert Johnson. I planned, created, and coded my clients website and web pages using SquareSpace. I combined text with sounds, pictures, graphics and video clips. I was responsible for creating the design, layout, and imagery of the website and web pages.
Mimosa was a promotional website created for a musical in 2021. I was responsible for redesigning the entire website to increase website traffic. I worked on creating keyword analysis, mood boards, website mock-ups, and researching ways to improve SEO rankings. I worked with SquareSpace on designing a more user-friendly and SEO-friendly website.
This website was a professional site created for displaying the clients music and services. I designed the logo as well as worked with SquareSpace's features on the design and layout of the website. Through the process I learned about SquareSpace and how to work with a client to ensure that the site met all the needs.
BarMe is currently being worked on. BarMe is another app that's being created in Adobe XD. The app is a social app that serves as a guide for those looking for foods and drinks.
While in Galway Ireland, I partnered with Foroige, a nonprofit youth development organization to create a website on food waste. As part of the web team, I was to examine the social and cultural context of Galway and create a user friendly site that effectively and accurately displayed the information gathered. Using WordPress, I was able to create a five page web site as well as work on the design and layout to make the site interactive.
I take pictures of graduations, birthday parties, surprise engagements, wedding showers, and of course pets. I was also lead photographer at a media shop for four years. I photographed concerts, marketing events, and took photos for social media. Flickr Photography Instagram
I've been in the design field for over 8 years. I've gained experience in video production, Adobe Premiere, graphic design, photography, Adobe Creative Suite, visual design, UX/UI, and user research. Github Resume
I work on a team that designs and conducts direct user and market research on consumer products to establish independent rankings based on various purchase criteria such as needs, attitudes, and goals
I am also the team member who aggregates the raw data and performs the analysis that yields the ranked results
I am responsible for ensuring that the data, content, and overall visual design are displayed correctly once published on the site
Responsible for front-end development of a WordPress public service website on raising awareness of food waste in Galway
Developed the layout and theme, selected and edited original multimedia content, integrated navigation among 17 pages
I design, build, upgrade, and maintain client websites that establish an integrated online and social media presence
I create logos and branding layouts rooted in SEO-friendly metadata and architecture that increase views and effectiveness
I also offer professional photography of engagements, graduations, formals, parties, concerts and other special events where my services include editing and organizing the images I capture to my clients’ specifications, including as a website
I was the youngest person ever hired for a fully paid professional position on the creative projects team in JMU’s media shop
I set and lead staff meetings, interacted with clients, and provided visuals for JMU websites, social media, and publications
I shot, selected, edited, and retouched photos for both physical and electronic media promoting client activities and events
I used rapid prototyping and agile methods to provide quick turnarounds to meet clients’ print and online needs
Competitively selected to work on a professional team to create teen-produced documentaries about Arlington, VA
Pitched ideas, wrote scripts, storyboarded, conducted on-location interviews, shot B-roll, edited dailies, and mixed sound
I have a variety of design skills. I look for ways to improve the skills I have and try and find new ones.